Nadia Levett
I was born in Sydney’s Sutherland Shire in 1982. My birth mother has schizophrenia and my birth father, bipolar. Both my parents have experienced living in and out of hospital since I was born. At 6 weeks old my birth mother and father were unable to care for me so I was put into foster care through the Department of Community Services (DOCS) and became a ward of the state.
At 18 months old I was introduced to Helen and Alan and after four years in the court system, got to finally become my parents. However I was not officially adopted until just before my 7th birthday.
It is my intention to tell my story, to seek, encourage and share other stories of adoption and foster care around Australia and the world. To help people in this space feel more connected to themselves and be part of their healing process and to connect and feel a sense of belonging with each other.